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shop item_edit

Command Title

/shop item_edit


This command allows you to modify existing items in your Discord server's shop. You can change the item's name, description, price, and stock.


/shop item_edit <item_id> [name] [price] [description] [inventory] [limit] [total_limit] [role] [chain] [role_reward] [item_image] [embed_color]


Required Parameters:

  • <item_id>: The ID of the item to edit. It can be found in the item message when you view the item details.

Optional Parameters:

  • [name]: The unique name of the item, up to 60 characters.
  • [price]: The price of the item in points, greater than 0.
  • [description]: A detailed description of the item, up to 600 characters.
  • [inventory]: The initial stock of the item, a positive integer or 0 for unlimited stock.
  • [limit]: The maximum number of items a user can purchase at once, a positive integer. Defaults to 1.
  • [total_limit]: The maximum total number of items a user can purchase over their lifetime. Defaults to unlimited.
  • [role]: The role required to purchase the item. Select None for no role requirement.
  • [chain]: The blockchain on which the item will be distributed to users. Users must have a linked wallet on the selected blockchain. Options include None, BTC, EVM (ETH/BSC/Polygon, etc.), and SOL.
  • [role_reward]: The role granted to the user upon purchasing the item. Select None for no role reward.
  • [item_image]: Upload an image to represent the item. The image will be displayed at the top right of the embed when the item is listed in the shop.
  • [embed_color]: Set the color of the embed in hexadecimal format, such as FFCC00.


  • Example 1: Change the name of the item with ID 12345 to "7-day Engagerly Premium" with a price of 30 points:

    /shop item_edit item_id:12345 name:7-day Engagerly Premium price:30
  • Example 2: Update the description of the item with ID 34567 to "Unlock exclusive benefits!"

    /shop item_edit item_id:34567 description:Unlock exclusive benefits!
  • Example 3: Set the stock of the item with ID 56789 to 100:

    /shop item_edit item_id:56789 inventory:100
  • Example 4: Restore the removed item with ID 98765 for purchase:

    /shop item_edit item_id:98765


  • Only shop admins can use this command.
  • If you do not specify a new value for a parameter, the existing value will be retained.


  • Q: Can I edit multiple items at once?

    A: No, you can only edit one item at a time.

  • Q: Can I delete an item?

    A: Yes, you can delete it using the /item_remove command.