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temprole permanent

Command Title

/temprole permanent


This command allows you to convert a temporary role to a permanent role.


/temprole permanent <role>


  • <role>: Select the role to make permanent.


  • Example 1: Convert the @7-Day-VIP role to a permanent role:

    /temprole permanent role:@7-Day-VIP


  • This command will remove any time limits or expiration settings associated with the selected role.
  • Once a temporary role is made permanent, the original temporary relationships between members and the role cannot be restored if the role is later changed back to temporary.


  • Q: Can I convert multiple temporary roles to permanent roles at once?

    A: No, you can only convert one temporary role to a permanent role at a time.

  • Q: What happens to users who already have the temporary role when it is converted to a permanent role?

    A: Users who already have the temporary role will retain the role after it is converted to a permanent role.