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temprole personal_role

Command Title

/temprole personal_role


This command allows you to add or modify a personal temporary role for a member.


/temprole personal_role <member> <role> <end_time>


  • <member>: Select the member to add or edit the role for. This is a required field, and you must choose a user from the user list.
  • <role>: Select the role to make temporary. This is a required field, and you must choose a role from the role list.
  • <end_time>: Set the end time for the temporary role in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format. This is a required field. The maximum duration is 30 days for standard users, and unlimited for premium users.


  • Example 1: Add a temporary role @TemporaryRole to user @User1 that expires on 2024-12-31 23:59:

    /temprole personal_role member:@User1 role:@TemporaryRole end_time:2024-12-31 23:59
  • Example 2: Modify the end time of the temporary role @TemporaryRole for user @User1 to 2025-01-15 12:00:

    /temprole personal_role member:@User1 role:@TemporaryRole end_time:2025-01-15 12:00


  • The end time must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM.
  • Standard users have a maximum temporary role duration of 30 days.
  • Premium users have unlimited temporary role duration.
  • If the command is used on a user that already has that role set as a temp role, the end time will be updated to the newest time.


  • Q: Can I set a temporary role for more than 30 days?

    A: Yes, if you have a premium account, you can set temporary roles with unlimited duration. Standard users are limited to 30 days.

  • Q: What happens if I set an end time that has already passed?

    A: The command will not execute, and you will receive an error message prompting you to enter a valid end time.

  • Q: Can I modify the end time of an existing temporary role?

    A: Yes, you can use the same command to modify the end time of an existing temporary role. Simply specify the member, role, and new end time.