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Points Management

This article will provide a detailed guide on how to use various Engagerly commands for points management, helping community admins to better operate their servers.

Member Points Initialization

When first introducing the Engagerly Bot, your community may already have a significant number of members. To ensure the fairness and effectiveness of the points system, admins may need to initialize points for members. This can be done using the /points set command.

Batch Setting Points

Admins can use the /points set command to set points balances for members based on their roles. For example, to set 100 points for all members with the "@RoleName" role, use the following command:

/points set amount:100 mention:@RoleName

Setting Points for Individual Members

Admins can also set points balances for individual members. For example, to set 50 points for the user "@username", use this command:

/points set amount:50 mention:@username

Adjusting Member Points

During community operations, admins need to adjust points based on members' contributions and behavior. This can be done using the /points adjust command to increase or decrease members' point balances.

Batch Adjusting Points

Admins can use the /points adjust command to increase or decrease point balances for members based on their roles. For example, to add 20 points to all members with the "@RoleName" role, use this command:

/points adjust amount:20 mention:@RoleName

Adjusting Points for Individual Members

Admins can also increase or decrease point balances for individual members. For example, to deduct 20 points from the user "@username", use this command:

/points adjust amount:-20 mention:@username

Viewing Point Balances

Admins and members can use the /profile command to view their own or other members' point balances.

Viewing Your Own Profile

Members can use the /profile command to view their own point balance and detailed personal information.


Viewing Other Members' Profiles

Members can use the /profile command to view other members' point balances and basic information such as when they joined the community. Admins can see point balances and more detailed personal information.

/profile member:@username

Viewing Points Records

Admins and members can view records of point earnings and usage. This feature makes point transactions transparent, helping to maintain a fair community environment.

Administrator View

Admins can view all point records for members in the "#username's Rewards" thread, including details such as when points were earned, their source, when they were used, and where they were spent.

Member View

Members can also see all their own point records in the "#username's Rewards" thread.

Points Leaderboard

To stimulate member engagement, Engagerly provides a points leaderboard feature.

Viewing the Leaderboard

Members can use the /leaderboard points command to view the server's points leaderboard, understanding their ranking and point status in the community. This command can be used once every 5 minutes, ensuring members can get up-to-date ranking information.

/leaderboard points


Q: Can points be transferred to other members?
A: Currently, Engagerly does not support point transfers between members.

Q: How do you handle cases of point abuse?
A: Admins can use the /points adjust command to adjust the points of members who violate rules. If necessary, other disciplinary measures can be considered.

Q: Do points have an expiration date?
A: By default, points do not expire. However, admins can set up point reset or decay mechanisms as needed.